Karson’s Kompassion Project

On January 23, 2018 Karson Whitesell’s life was cut short when she was murdered in a random act of violence. She was a bright light with a beautiful spirit that was taken from this world far too soon. While Karson was only 19 years old at the time of her death, she lived an extremely full life. She loved fiercely and deeply.

To ensure that light and love would triumph over the tragedy that took Karson from this world Karson’s Kompassion Project was formed.

A Note from Karson’s Mom

For nearly 20 years, Karson was my main priority in life. When I learned that Karson had been killed, one of my first questions was how would I be able carry on without her. I couldn’t see how my life would possibly have any purpose.

That first night, my pastor introduced to the conversation that what happened to Karson was an act of murder. That word changed my narrative. Murder is an act of evil. Evil won’t win. I didn’t understand at that point what it would look like, but I knew in an instant that my life’s new purpose was to ensure that love wins. The next few weeks were a flurry of activity amid tremendous shock and grief. Leaning on my faith, with the overwhelming support from our community, I founded Karson’s Kompassion Project.

Because of your continued support Karson continues to be one of the main priorities in my life. KKP is such a gift. I will thank you again and again for allowing me to lead this organization as we spread love and smiles in our community and beyond as a way of honoring how my sweet daughter lived.

Thank you!
