Supporting Veterans & Active Military

Each year when planning KKDay we work to incorporate Karson’s personality in the service project that we put together. One of the fun parts of Karson, that started at an early age, was her patriotism and love for our military. As a little girl she belted out patriotic tunes while we winced at her inability to carry a tune or hit the right notes. These sweet memories make veterans and active military one of our favorite people groups to bless.

The Details

Sunday February 19th ~ 3-5pm

Hope Fellowship Church ~ 95 Bird Street ~ Rock Hill

Karson & her cousin 7/4/2003

The Schedule

2:45 Doors Open for Registration
3:00 Welcome & Brief Presentation
3:15 – 5:00 Service Projects
5:00 Cleanup

The Projects

  • Pack Boxed lunches for Veterans
  • Make No Sew Fleece Blankets
  • Write Thank Yous
  • Assemble Candy Bags
  • Make Paracord Bracelets
Partnering with Soldier’s Angels for distribution of finished projects to veterans and activity military

Please bring a bag of individually wrapped candy.